I had a week vacation from school the first week in June, so the family came to visit! ? Originally posted here: Kerschens on the loose: London. Spread the Word! del.icio.us Digg stumbleupon Help.
Tex Kerschen: Erika and I started Indian Jewelry in 2002 as an offshoot of the Swarm of Angels and a continuation of music we had worked on in our older bands, Japanic and The Fever. It was then called NTX, ELECTRIC FUCK ALL, ...
Al Green, Audrey Griemes, Brian Neal Sensabaugh, Cara Crafton, Chris Goodier, Deb Grotfeldt, Darcy Rosenberger, Danny Kerschen, DJ Pooks, Lisa Guitguit, Patty Schnabel and YMCA International, the Baylor Student Association, ...